Electric Blue Acara


The Electric Blue Acara (Andinoacara pulcher var. Electric Blue) is a captivating and popular freshwater fish known for its striking electric blue coloration and relatively peaceful temperament. This cichlid species has gained acclaim in the aquarium hobby for its eye-catching appearance, manageable size, and engaging behavior. In this article, we will delve into the characteristics, care requirements, and unique aspects of keeping Electric Blue Acaras in your aquarium.

Characteristics of Electric Blue Acaras:

Vibrant Coloration: Electric Blue Acaras are renowned for their stunning electric blue coloration, which covers their body and fins. This vivid hue sets them apart from other cichlid species.

Size: These cichlids typically grow to a size of 6-7 inches (15-18 cm) when fully mature. Their manageable size makes them suitable for a wide range of aquariums.

Body Shape: Electric Blue Acaras have an oval-shaped body with a pointed snout. Their fins are well-developed, with the dorsal fin featuring elongated rays.

Personality: While they are cichlids, Electric Blue Acaras are relatively peaceful compared to some other cichlid species. They can be kept in community tanks with compatible tankmates, although some territorial behavior may still occur.

Care Requirements:

Tank Size: Provide a tank of at least 30 gallons for a pair of Electric Blue Acaras. Larger tanks offer more swimming space and reduce territorial aggression.

Water Parameters: Maintain water conditions within the following range: pH 6.5-7.5, water temperature 75-82°F (24-28°C), and moderate water hardness (5-15 dGH).

Filtration: Efficient filtration is crucial to maintain water quality. Canister filters or sponge filters work well for Electric Blue Acara tanks.

Substrate and Decor: Utilize a soft sand or fine gravel substrate to mimic their natural habitat. Provide hiding spots with caves, driftwood, or rock formations to create territories and refuge.

Tankmates: Electric Blue Acaras are relatively peaceful but can display some territoriality during breeding. Compatible tankmates include other peaceful cichlids, tetras, catfish, and similar-sized community fish.

Interesting Aspects:

Breeding: Electric Blue Acaras are known for their engaging breeding behaviors. They are cavity spawners and will lay eggs in sheltered areas. Both parents actively care for and guard the eggs and fry.

Color Intensity: The electric blue coloration of these cichlids can intensify during breeding, or when they are excited or stressed. Observing these color changes can be fascinating.

Personality: Each Electric Blue Acara has a unique personality. Some may be more outgoing and curious, while others may be shy. Their individual behaviors can make them captivating to observe.


The Electric Blue Acara is a stunning and personable cichlid species that can be a delightful addition to your freshwater aquarium. Their striking blue coloration, manageable size, and relatively peaceful nature make them a favorite among aquarists. By providing appropriate tank conditions, selecting compatible tankmates, and understanding their engaging behaviors, you can enjoy the beauty and charm of Electric Blue Acaras as they thrive and flourish in your aquarium.

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