Scarlet Badis - DARIO DARIO

The Scarlet Badis, scientifically known as Dario Scarlet, is a captivating and lesser-known species of freshwater fish that hails from the intricate waterways of South Asia. With its stunning colors, intricate patterns, and unique behavior, the Scarlet Badis has gained popularity among dedicated aquarists and fish enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore the captivating characteristics, natural habitats, care requirements, and tips for successfully keeping the Scarlet Badis in your aquarium.

Badis Badis Female

Physical Characteristics:

The Scarlet Badis is a small-sized fish, featuring a slender and elongated body. Males and females display distinctly different colorations. Males boast a striking combination of red, blue, and green hues on their body and fins, creating a captivating iridescent effect. Females, on the other hand, have a more subdued coloration with a pale base and faint markings. Both sexes are adorned with intricate patterns of dots and stripes, adding to their overall allure.

Natural Habitat:

Scarlet Badis is native to slow-moving and shallow streams, rice paddies, and flooded areas in India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar. These waterways are often surrounded by dense vegetation, providing a natural habitat for these jewel-like fish. Their native habitats are characterized by soft, slightly acidic to neutral water conditions, and replicating these conditions in the aquarium is crucial for their well-being.

Behavior and Social Structure:

The Scarlet Badis is a peaceful and solitary fish, preferring to inhabit territories with minimal competition. They thrive in a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots, such as caves, rocks, and driftwood. Due to their shy nature, it is advisable to keep them in a species-only tank or with peaceful tankmates that occupy different water levels. A single male or a pair of Scarlet Badis can be kept in a smaller tank, while larger tanks can accommodate multiple females with one male.

Feeding Habits:

In their natural habitat, Scarlet Badis primarily feeds on small insects, crustaceans, and zooplankton. In the aquarium, they are carnivorous and will readily accept live or frozen foods, such as small live worms, daphnia, brine shrimp, and other small organisms. Providing them with a varied diet ensures their health and enhances their vibrant coloration.

Aquarium Care:

To create an optimal environment for Scarlet Badis, it is crucial to maintain stable water parameters. They prefer water with a pH ranging from 6.0 to 7.0 and a temperature between 22°C to 28°C. A well-planted aquarium with soft, slightly acidic water and subdued lighting will help them thrive. Regular water changes and efficient filtration are essential for maintaining water quality.


Scarlet Badis, with its mesmerizing appearance and fascinating behavior, is a jewel in the aquarium. In this article, we explored the captivating characteristics, natural habitats, and care requirements of this unique species. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced aquarist, the Scarlet Badis can bring a touch of exotic beauty and charm to your aquarium. By providing them with suitable living conditions, a balanced diet, and a peaceful environment, you can enjoy the enchanting allure of the Scarlet Badis in your own aquatic sanctuary.

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